Sunday, June 04, 2006

not normal..

anxiously waiting..i rush myself to her room to see to it if everythings turned to be fine but im not satisfied.."what's going on?"..unclear surroundings..after 3 seconds the double vision that i was seeing was finally was not normal.."you are not suppose to do this.""Oh come on! will you shut the fuck up?" I could see his boastful face as he utter those words..boisterous laughter filled the house..after a while they were all staring blankly at i that stupid to take all those straight stares at me? I close the door and brought myself to a corner...I cried...Why are people like that?They have transformed themselves into naughty-monsters-eating people! how weird...I could imagine myself inside their wet mouth..chewing me to blood squirting into their yellow colored teeth..
I stretch my t-shirt trying to wipe away my tears..i hate it when i cry..i hate it when im weak..Yes! ive gotta face them bravely..but i think its too late...the door was already locked..all i can hear were sweet shouts.

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